
Whether you have inherited a royal-looking soup tureen from your great-grandmother or you happen to own a World War II foxhole radio, we can help evaluate the true value of your possession. Our appraisers are well-versed with the determinants of value of an object such as its rarity, authenticity, aesthetic appeal, condition, utility and historical or cultural significance. Our appraisal can make you better informed about your possession and in a better position to bargain for the right price if you plan on selling it at an auction or an antique store.

Antique shops also offer an appraisal of antiques and collectibles but considering that they are also potential buyers, the accuracy of the appraisal may get negatively affected. Our professional online appraisers have no stake in your antique dish, antique radio or antique tools. Therefore, you can expect an unbiased and honest report of the estimated value of your property.

We evaluate a diverse range of antique objects at our website ranging from antique dishes to antique radios, jewelry, toys and tools. When appraising antique dishes, we carefully consider its condition, its pattern, which includes color and design and the “marker” stamp at the bottom of the dinnerware that may indicate the name of the manufacturer and the class or date of the piece.

Pre-World War II era radios with vacuum-tube sets and transistor sets tend to hold a high monetary value. Antique jewelry such as Georgian jewelry, Edwardian jewelry and Art Deco jewelry is identified with ease by our specialists who have extensive knowledge of various subject matters.

Antique toys such as pull toys, wind-up toys and friction toys as well as collectible dolls and vintage wooden building blocks are also appraised here to determine their fair market value. Antique tools manufactured before World War II give an insight into human development and progress and may hold great monetary value as well.

You can avail a brief or detailed report that is restricted, i.e., visible only to you, or is an open online report created for being shareable with other parties to prove the value of your personal property.