appraisers provide two types of value: fair market value and replacement value (comparable) ... more, and the VTN report makes use of one of two possible types of appraisal report options - the "Restricted Appraisal Report" option or the "Appraisal Report" option.
When submitting their online appraisal request, clients indicate whether they will be the only user of the report of if there will be other intended users as well. Which is selected will dictate whether the generated report will be a Restricted Appraisal Report or an Appraisal Report. (Clients can also elect to purchase either a light "short" version of the appraisal, or an full "long" version. The difference is the amount and detail of information provided by the client...more)
For assignments in which the client will be the only intended user, ValueThisNow makes use of the "Restricted Appraisal Report" option. Examples of intended uses for which the client is typically the only intended user and for which a Restricted Appraisal Report would be appropriate include:
For some online assignment intended uses, the client will not be the only intended user. In other words, in addition to the client, there will be others who will also make use of the online report. In such assignments, ValueThisNow makes use of the "Appraisal Report" option. The primary example of an intended use for online appraisals in which there are intended users other than the client and for which an Appraisal Report option would be appropriate would be for client resale (sales advisory) purposes in which case a would-be buyer would also make use of the online report. Other intended uses for which an Appraisal Report option would be appropriate would be for insurance or damage/loss claims as pre-approved by your carrier, or for litigation or legal purposes as pre-approved by counsel.
Property type limitations. For items no longer available for inspection (such as items that have been stolen or lost in a fire) appraisal reports performed by online appraisers over the Internet are just as credible as those performed by traditional appraisers. However, for items still available for inspection, we recommend that a traditional appraiser capable of performing a personal, hands-on inspection be employed for items:
Intended use limitations. In addition, online appraisals for items still available for inspection are appropriate for only certain intended uses as noted above. Examples of intended uses for which online appraisals would not be appropriate for items that are still available for inspection include:
Before appraising an item, make sure it does not fall into any of the following property types. Requests to appraise items falling within the following property types are to be declined: